Preschool Classroom

Preschool (3 Years Old)

Central Christian Church Childcare Center's Preschool Classroom is designed for children 3-4 years of age. Activities in this classroom include playing pretend, learning games, participating in hands-on activities — these are just a few of the ways we keep children engaged. These games and activities serve teh purpose of encouraging development in a number of key areas. Our teachers plan developmentally appropriate small group interactions to work closely with your child to assure mastery of developmental tasks. Your child will also participate in large group activities to explore concepts and enjoy early literacy experiences.

  • Motor Skill Development — hands-on activities, outdoor play, tossing, catching

  • Cognitive Development — puzzles, games, recognizing shapes, numbers, colors

  • Language Development — reading, recognizing and forming letters, storytelling

  • Artistic Development — art projects, construction projects, dramatic play

Our classrooms are divided into general "interest areas" that meet a child's need to move, explore, express and relax. And since learning how to relate to others is also important, we implement large and small group activities every day. Your child will have the opportunity to learn through free-play, hands-on-activities, sensory exploration, daily classroom and small group academics, arts, and crafts are included.

All of our Preschool teachers are trained in CPR/First Aid and SIDS. Each teacher also is required by the state of Texas to obtain 24 hours of childcare training per year. Our Preschool teachers have excellent parent communication skills. To help communicate with you, your child’s classroom teacher will complete and send home a detailed daily report. This form will outline your child’s activities, mood, behavior, meals and nap times. 

Our overall goal at Central Christian Church Childcare Center is to help your child feel safe, secure and happy. As a parent, you can work and rest knowing that your child is comfortable within our childcare center, and is receiving the best of care.