Early Preschool 1 Classrooms

Early Preschool 1 (18 months - 2 Years)

Central Christian Church Childcare Center's Early Preschool 1 Classroom emphasizes the explorer stage of development. At the age of 20 months to 2 years, children begin to become more familiar with and enjoy exploring their surroundings. Recognizing this exploration age, our teachers plan developmentally appropriate activities to encourage social interaction and mastery of cognitive skills. Our teachers have carefully planned and created an environment that allows each child to develop the following skills:

  • Motor Skill Development — outdoor games, dancing, movement

  • Language Development — recognizing and forming letters, story time, speech

  • Sensory Development — textures, understanding the senses, descriptive activities

  • Imaginative Development — arts and crafts, dramatic play, storytelling

  • Social Development — large and small group activities, sharing, politeness

​Our Early Preschool Teachers pride themselves in creating an atmosphere that engages all of the children within their room. Our teachers get to know each child, learn their interests and plan developmentally appropriate, engaging activities such as: painting, water and sand play, book exploration, manipulative play, small group experiences and large group circle times. 

All of our Early Preschool teachers are trained in CPR/First Aid and SIDS. Each teacher also is required by the state of Texas to obtain 24 hours of childcare trainings per year. Our Early Preschool teachers have excellent parent communication skills. To help communicate with you, your child’s classroom teacher will complete and send home a detailed daily report . This form will outline your child’s activities, mood, behavior, diaper changes, meals and nap times.